Count calories or not?


How many calories can you eat per day? Unfortunately, the correct answer is not: "Eat as much as you want."

However, calculating calories correctly requires some serious math.
Nutritionists claim that there are a number of factors to consider when determining the number of calories.

A calorie is a unit of measurement of energy in food. To maintain a normal weight, it is necessary that the number of calories obtained from food is equal to the amount of energy expended.

Take in fewer calories than you expend and you'll lose weight. However, if you get more calories than required, the body stores them, making you fat.

Calorie requirements vary from person to person, which can make it difficult to find a magic number. The thing is, men need more calories than women. Active people need more calories than those who have a passive and sedentary job. Young people need more calories than older people, whose metabolism slows down as they age.

Below we present the number of daily calories needed by women and men.