Easy-to-apply tips to avoid frostbite


Doctors warn that you can get frostbite even at a temperature of +7C.

What to do not to catch a cold?

Dress for the weather, layered and loose. You can always take off one of the layers when it gets too hot - cover exposed skin with gloves, a scarf, a hat and a turned-up collar - don't go out hungry in the cold. If you are cold, eat something.
If you're going to be outside all day, step into a warm indoor space every 30-60 minutes. It's a good idea to have extra dry clothes to change into wet clothes if necessary, a thermos with tea, coffee or soup.
Move your ankles and toes to improve blood flow to freezing limbs.
Avoid overexertion. a tired person gets cold easily
Do not touch metal and gasoline in the cold. the risk of frostbite is high.
Do not use alcohol. it accelerates heat loss and weakens self-control. Nicotine also contributes to frostbite due to its negative effect on the vessel walls.

At the first symptoms of hypothermia (wax marks, skin numbness), move to a warm area. Stay in the heat for a few hours, warm up, eat. In case of a cold, you should consult a doctor immediately.
Frostbitten areas should not be touched. It is necessary to apply heat-insulating bandages to the damaged tissues (cotton gauze, wool) and drink warm drinks. It is strictly forbidden to heat the damaged skin with hot water or near heating devices.